JPJ Constructions

Pipeline Maintenance & Installations

JPJ Constructions Pipeline Maintenance and Installation is based in Byford and Karragullen, operating state wide.

JPJ Constructions is a privately owned company with over 45 years experience working in the water and construction industry.

JPJ Constructions is a safe, professional, project focused contractor providing a full range of services including concrete works, earthworks, confined space entry and rescue, licensed asbestos removal and general civil works in the small to medium project range.

Safe. Professional. Focused.

about us


The crew and myself would like to thank you and your guys on site for your services. The feedback I received from the Northam welders and team leader was exceptional, they told me your crew went above and beyond our expectations and got in and assisted our crew when required. Also as you were well aware the weather was not the best to be carrying out such activities, however after a brief meeting on-site it was decided to carry on. This decision turned out to be a great outcome.

- Michael Thornton, Water Corporation Mainline Coordinator

call us now on 9397 7331

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Certification Partner Global ISO 45001Certification Partner Global ISO 9001Certification Partner Global ISO 14001JAS ANZ